The Positive Birth Movement – Quad Cities is a peer-to-peer group that meets twice per month. Our meetings are always free to attend and we welcome all women, including but not limited to expectant mothers, postpartum mothers, adoptive mothers, birth enthusiasts of all ages, birth workers, health care providers, professionals in social services, and more. Please feel free to bring children. We aim to provide an inclusive, safe space where we can discuss and promote positive birth, exchange information and ideas, and share positive birth experiences.
This Quad Cities group is facilitated by Rosie Harvey, a fellow mother and birth enthusiast. We define a birth as positive when:
1) Women are where they want to be
2) Women’s choices are informed by reality not fear
3) Women are listened to and treated with dignity and respect
4) Mothers are empowered and enriched
5) Mother’s memories are warm and proud
The Positive Birth Movement believes that every woman deserves a positive birth and that any kind of birth can be positive whether it is through C-Section, vaginal birth, VBAC, induction, medicated, or unmedicated. No one type of birth is superior to another so long as it is experienced positively by the birthing mother.
Starting in February, we will meet the first Saturday of each month at 9:30am and the third Thursday of each month at 6:45 pm.
The Motherhood Matters Postpartum Support Circle is a twice per month gathering space for mothers to connect and discuss their transition into motherhood. This group is for first time and veteran moms. Feel free to come with or without baby!
Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday and 3rd Saturday of each month, 10:30am-12:00pm.